These are our reasons...
Being a Brady and Chloe fan for me happened on Halloween of 2000. I had stopped watching Days because of the insipid Gina story. I was at the end of my rope. I’d caught it off and on through that time I was not watching. What really got me interested, though, was when Chloe Lane came to town. Now, under any other circumstances, I would not have paid any attention, but her arrival got my mom to watch a soap. See, when my mom was eighteen she had a baby and have her up for adoption. Ever since, whenever she sees any sort of adoption feature on television, she sits, watches, and cries like a baby. Maybe the saga of Nancy and Chloe was not the greatest example, but she watched none the less. I am pleased to say that we have since found my sister, there are no grudges, and we all have wonderful relationships. My sister is in fact a fan of Days, has been since the days of the Salem Strangler. Back to our couple. I watched somewhat when they began to pairing of Philip and Chloe. I hated it. He was a rude rick boy who stepped on anyone who was different. Ignorant was the word I originally used for him. I will never understand the appeal of a relationship that started as a bet. He only was happy to take her to the dance after she showed some skin. Then she met Brady. I’d never seen a spark like that. I loved the constant bickering. I began watching regularly again. I was happy and excited to. I have never been this excited about any couple on television, let alone daytime. Some say that Brady us rude to her. I say this: He has never been downright cruel. So, I am a Broe fan because I cannot stop watching them. No matter how many stupid things Chloe may do down the road, watching this couple get to each other, and then their road together will not be boring. Not to complete rag on the Moronic Twit known is Uncle Phil, I must say that he has become a better person since he became involved in Chloe. I would like to see him happy, just not with her. She has the type of personality that needs to be challenged. Along with challenging, she and Brady have a mutual respect and friendship.--
Morgan (Mo), Web Mistress
I love broe because their love is such a contradiction. To me, it seems like they are so realistic and yet so much a fantasy. It's much healthier than phloe and is based on friendship and companionship, similar interests, common goals, understanding and respect. That's the realistic part (I think any great love should based on those things). But the fantasy part....it's the idea that two people like that can come together and know immediately that their souls are connected. That their souls, hearts and minds (i.e. roots) are so intertwined in each other that they can't even tell where one stops and the other starts sometimes. They know each other so deeply and intensely and truly are soulmates -- brought together by fate and destined to be the only one to heal the other's wounded soul. I heard this quote once and it completely makes me think of Brady and Chloe every time I think of it....."We have a bond that transcends human emotion". That's how I think they are....bonded so deeply that other people cannot even begin to comprehend, let alone put into words. Now, I realize this is the whole fairy tale aspect of love (only in the movies, ya know?), but hey....I said it was the fantasy part! Plus, they sing! --
I love Brady and Chloe for so many reasons, but one ofthe most important ones is because they're my outlet, you know? My parents have all these problems, which I won't bore you with; but my dad is a lot like Phillip, emotionally manipulative and controlling. He can twist anything you say around on you. So since I'm incapable of yelling at my dad, I yell at Phillip instead. I can see so much of my mother and me in Chloe. The way we fight so hard to justify him when he does awful things, the way we refuse to let him see us cry. So I guess, I watch in the hope that someday Chloe will realize that Brady is there to take her away from all that, and maybe with the hope that maybe someday I'll meet someone that wonderful who will protect me and keep me safe the way that Brady does with Chloe. --
Oh, man--this could take a while. I love Broe because of the way they bring out the best in each other. Both Brady and Chloe are very complex characters, and they tend to keep others at a distance in order to keep themselves from being hurt. But through their blossoming relationship, that seems to be changing. Chloe has told Brady things that she has never talked about to anyone before, ie her adoptive parents' death. Brady has begun to mellow a bit, and is even attempting to work out his problems with Marlena. Another reason is that her relationship with Brady allows Chloe to be herself. She is able to open up and let her true personality shine through, which is a new experience for her. She doesn't have to pretend anything with him. Brady makes Chloe laugh and relax. They have FUN together. They don't play games--Brady and Chloe are brutally honest with each other, even if the other person doesn't want to hear it.
I love the way Brady challenges Chloe to be a better singer. He encourages her to put her whole heart and soul into her singing because he knows that is the only way for her to succeed. He wants her to go far, and that is why he is doing his best to help her.
I love Broe because of the intense way they stare at each other, almost as if they can read each other's soul. I love the connection they have--it can't be explained or reasoned away. It's always there, pulling them together. Even when they didn't like each other, the pull was still there. And when they lock eyes and share one of those LOOKS, it's almost as if everyone else fades away. I love the red-hot chemistry between Brady and Chloe.
I could go on and on about Broe, but bottom line...I love Brady and Chloe because they are the best darn (almost) couple on soaps today!! --
Together, Brady and Chloe become better people. They put aside their anger and let down the walls they put up around others. They laugh and smile. They enjoy one another for the people that they are, not for the idealized person they wish the other was.--
In a word why I love Broe, intensity! The intense looks that they send one another. The overwhelming need to see these two together is almost unbareable. I, in 14 years have never seen a couple on Day's more exciting and electric then Brady Black and Chloe Lane. I love the way that they ache to touch one another and that ache bleeds into tension, frustration, and then undeniable passion emerges in the only way they know how and that's through fighting. They sling all they got at each other it's like watching young children run up and punch their 'worst enemy' and run away. It's in every word they say and every gaze they share that they need to be together. This is why I love Broe because they make me believe in that heat, passion, and chemistry that two people connected at the soul can share. It's a reality in this world and BROE are walking living proof that passion is not gone. The cavalier days of Arthur and his Gwenivere are alive and well in the gallant Brady Black and the breathe taking Chloe Lane. All I can say is I'm a moth to a flame and the fire is BROE!--
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